About 20 pilot farms have registered to take part in the LIFE AgriAdapt project in the Center East of France.
On February 20th and 21st, 2018, these farmers got a chance to meet and engage in a discussion about potential impacts of climate change on their farms and regions. Nicolas Métayer, Jean-Luc Bochu and Sylvain Doublet, from Solagro, presented general information about climate change and its impacts on agriculture. Based on this introduction, farmers shared their impressions about recent weather events, and their sense of increasing weather uncertainty.
The second part of the meeting consisted in a presentation of initial findings from the LIFE AgriAdapt project regarding the characterization of vulnerability at agri-climate zones scale. This triggered intense discussion about possible solutions to be implemented on farms: anticipation of sowing dates, varietal selection, adaptation of irrigation, carbon credits…
The relevance of these solutions for each farm will be discussed with each farmers as the results of their farms vulnerability assessment are made available to them by Solagro. By the end of the year, another meeting will be organized to provide opportunity for discussions among farmers.