Policy-making and communication

After of the evaluation of 126 pilot farms, the creation of action plans and individual monitoring have led to concrete results for climate adaptation strategies at the farm level.

The purpose of these actions is disseminate the results obtained and show the viability and transferability of the evaluation methodology and the sustainability of adaptation measures to key stakeholders (politicians, farmers and food companies) at the national level and both within like outside the EU.

More than 20 meetings with experts. One of the key aspects of the project has been the communication and transfer of the results obtained to managers and authorities, both nationally and within and outside the EU (FAO).

Demonstrative workshops in pilot farms.

Each partner has organized 6 demonstrative workshops in pilot farms for discuss the methodology, the actions plans and adaption measures and farm-scale strategies.

The recipients of this workshops have been farmers and livestock, agricultural associations, regional and national authorities, technical consultants and NGO.

  • 4 workshops of expert about food regulation to present and discuss the methodology, the action plans and adaption measures and farm-scale strategies for the agro-food industry.
  • 4 workshops of expert for agricultural insurance companies in order to discuss strategies to include the sustainable measures of climate adaptation in the guarantees strategies and calculating the cost of insurance.
  • Several webinars for all stakeholders for discussion strategic for include actions of sustainable adaptation in the agriculture regulations, agricultural insurance protocols, etc.
  • 4 transnational conferences in German, Spain, Estonian and France.

Conferences have been organized in at the beginning of 2020 focused not only on theoretical aspects such as climate change scenarios and their effects on different agrarian systems, but on practical aspects such as case studies of adaptation strategies at the regional and farm level, and measures concrete for sustainable adaptation.

Visits to pilot farms have also been included. The target groups have been experts from all countries and regions of the four main EU Climate Risk Regions, agricultural associations, government agencies, agricultural universities and schools, agricultural insurance companies, agri-food companies and environmental NGOs.

Short videos represent a few the farmers and livestock involved in the project. For disseminate and transfer the innovation practices of adaptation, the farmers and livestock will share their experience, opinions and motivations in short videos that upload and share online.

Manual on farming and adaptation in five languages (English, Estonian, German, and Spanish).

It includes information about adaptation and the agrarian sector and project results.


On the 15th of October 2018, the LIFE AgriAdapt project partners organized a technical meeting in Brussels in which they presented the first project results on European level.

In this meeting, recommendations to reduce the farm climate vulnerability of the 4 main EU climate risk regions were presented. Other issues like the support for adaptation to climate change in the current and future CAP and, how and under which conditions could adaptation measures be integrated into agricultural political decisions and policies, were also addressed.

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The event was attended by the following organizations and institutions: Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, DG of Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission, MEP from Spain, Die Grünen/EFA, Occitanie Europe, Région Occitanie, Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation of France, EASME of the European Commission, Generalitat Valenciana, Organic Farming Cooperative in Spain, General Directorate of Productions and Markets of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Food of Spain, Cia-Agricoltori Italiani and a Representative of Estonian farmers and agri-cooperatives.