Fundación Global Nature has been one of the 68 beneficiary entities of the call for projects on adaptation to climate change supported by the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment of Spain. This aid will be part of the co-financing of the LIFE AgriAdapt project, which has applied for this call in competitive competition with other 384 projects.
The “LIFE AgriAdapt” Project
“LIFE AgriAdapt – Sustainable adaptation of typical EU farming systems to climate change” is an international project supported by the LIFE financial instrument of the European Commission and developed by leading entities with the aim of promoting sustainable farming practices. Bodensee Stiftung (Germany), the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia), Fundación Global Nature (Spain) and Solagro (France) are the partners in this project.
Its objective is to demonstrate how sustainable adaptation measures can help livestock, arable and permanent crop farms become more climate resilient. The promotion of other positive environmental benefits is also a relevant aspect of the project. Partners will develop actions in close collaboration with farmers, experts, administrations, agricultural schools and private entities in order to obtain transferrable results.