LIFE MontadoAdapt aim to implement and promote the adaptation of Montado/Dehesa system to climate change, trough the adaptation at level social, environmental and economic.
Associação de Defesa do Património de Mértola (ADPM), CONSEJERIA DE MEDIO AMBIENTE Y ORDENACION DEL TERRITORIO, Grupo Casablanca-Cáparra SL, DEHESA DEL GUIJO S.A., UNIVERSIDAD DE EXTREMADURA, Empresa de Desenvolvimento e Infraestruturas do Alqueva (EDIA), AYUNTAMIENTO DE VILLASBUENAS DE GATA, União da Floresta Mediterrânica (UNAC), Universidade de Évora (UEvora), Sociedade Agrícola do Freixo do Meio, Lda, FACULDADE DE CIENCIAS DA UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA, Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinaria (INIAV), TerraSIG Lda., Associação dos Produtores Florestais do Vale do Sado (ANSUB), Forestry Service Group (FSG), EXPLOTACIONES AGROPECUARIAS LA RINCONADA SL, Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (ICNF)
Description of the project:
LIFE-MONTADO-ADAPT has two objectives:
Introducing innovative adaptation technologies in Portuguese and Spanish Montado and Dehesa (M/D) landscapes and communities, through demonstration of sustainable and profitable Integrated Land Use (ILU) systems, which help restore the landscape’s multi-functional character and its contributions to socioeconomic development, environmental services, biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration; and
Maximising the transformational impact of these adaptation technologies and ecosystem services, and securing their replication and upscaling, through a farmer-to-farmer ILU adoption plan, developed commercialisation channels, sustainability and carbon certification, and a marketing plan for regional produce.
The project is aligned with the EU Adaptation Strategy objective of improving the knowledge base for better informed decision-making on adaptation, by ensuring that the lessons learned – the methods and tools developed – from the project’s land-use demonstrations become available for replication purposes. The project will contribute to climate change mitigation, through recovery of land areas which are under threat of desertification and forest fires – thus preventing soil loss and related additional greenhouse gas emissions – and through overall biomass increase for improved carbon sequestration.