On the 15th of October 2018, the LIFE AgriAdapt project partners organized a technical meeting in Brussels in which they presented the first project results on European level.
In this meeting, recommendations to reduce the farm climate vulnerability of the 4 main EU climate risk regions were presented. Other issues like the support for adaptation to climate change in the current and future CAP and, how and under which conditions could adaptation measures be integrated into agricultural political decisions and policies, were also addressed.
The event was attended by the following organizations and institutions: Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, DG of Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission, MEP from Spain, Die Grünen/EFA, Occitanie Europe, Région Occitanie, Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation of France, EASME of the European Commission, Generalitat Valenciana, Organic Farming Cooperative in Spain, General Directorate of Productions and Markets of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Food of Spain, Cia-Agricoltori Italiani and a Representative of Estonian farmers and agri-cooperatives.