Nicolas Métayer, project officer with Solagro, presented our new decision-supporting tool at the recent European Conference on Climate Change Adaptation in Glasgow (June 5th – 9th 2017). His presentation, which you can download here, focused on the methodology we’ll use to evaluate climate change vulnerability, first at an agro climate zone level, and then at farm level.
With 800 participants, the ECCA is a major event around climate change adaptation in Europe. We participated in a round table entitled “Adaptation of crop and livestock production to climate change and mitigation policies in a +1.5 K world ». The ECCA was a good opportunity to learn from other projects and disseminate our plans, so as to avoid duplication of efforts and, on the contrary, optimize synergies. We’ll look forward to the 2019 edition, where we’ll be able to share the lessons learnt from our experiment on 120 farms in Europe.