On 16th of March 2020, the LIFE AgriAdapt project team presented their results and recommendations from 126 pilot farms in Europe and a new innovative webtool to increase farmer’s adaptation competence.
You can download now the webinar presentation with the following content in the section “Documents”:
- Short presentation of theLIFE AgriAdapt Project
- Results of the finalvulnerability assessment of 126 pilot farms across Europe
- General Proposals per Farming System for sustainable adaptation to climate change
- Increasing farmer´s adaption competence: theAdaptation Training Pack and LIFE AgriAdapt Webtool for Adaptation (AWA)
- Key adaptation components
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=u-IwEAP76ug&feature=emb_title
Presentation (PDF): https://agriadapt.eu/descargas/Results%20LIFE%20LIFE AgriAdapt.pdf
Please check also our document and video section for e.g. our LIFE AgriAdapt Manual or the new videos with insights from some pilot farms.