The linkage between the provision of key ecosystem services affected by CC in the Mediterranean area (among others, soil retention, polinization, pastures as net primary production, temperature regulation, water provision, prevention of forest fires and prevention of desertification) and some key socio-ecosystems (mountain Mediterranean scrub, reforestation Pinus ssp. forests, Ziziphus arid thicket, coastal dune forests and autochtonous oak forests) of the three NPAs involved, is soundly known on the basis of the long management experience of the project partners, and the current scientific knowledge about the addressed socio-ecosystems and their related habitats.
These habitats are being negatively affected by CC (and are expected to be increasingly affected in the near future), and these impacts can provoke changes in their capacity to provide ecosystem services. The adaptive management actions proposed within this project will make these habitats to be in a better shape (improvement of their conservation status, increase in surface, reproductive potential and survival of related vegetal species, or adaptive changes in distribution). They have been designed both to adapt to the new scenario of CC and also to go on providing the aforementioned ecosystem services to other species and habitats and specifically to the inhabitants of the influence area of the project and the dependant socioeconomic area.
In order to achieve the already described objectives, we will follow the adaptive management framework. The underlying idea is to create a positive feedback where different involved actors (environmental managers, scientists, citizens) contribute to define environmental problems, create theoretical frameworks to address them, analyze information, decision making and assess their results. This framework will be used both at a local scale (selected NPAs) and global (regional and international). The first result of this adaptive management approach is an equilibrated set of actions based on innovative monitoring and evaluation technologies and participatory approaches as well as a comprehensive set of methodologies to assess, in the period of the project implementation, the socio-ecosystem changes directly related to the future provision of services and adaptation to CC.
Description of the project:
The project aims to mitigate the negative effect of Climate Change on key ecosystem services that three iconic and representative Mediterranean Natural Protected Areas (from now on NPAs) provide to local inhabitants and their socioeconomic sector:
-a Mediterranean wetland, Doñana Nature Space (Nature & National Park and Biosphere Reserve)
-a Mediterranean high mountain range, Sierra Nevada Nature Space (N&NP and BR)
-and a subdesertic Mediterranean coastal area, Cabo de Gata Nature Park (and BR).
The project focuses on developing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and disseminating adaptative management measures, with an ecosystemic approach, addressed to those socio-ecosystems identified as key for the provision of, among others, soil retention, polinization, pastures (net primary production), temperature regulation, water provision, prevention of forest fires and of desertification. These socio-ecosystems and the services they provide are currently being negatively affected by Climate Change (from now CC) and, on the basis of current data, this affection is expected to increase significantly in the future. For this reason, the project actions aim to reduce the negative impact of CC in the NPAs area of influence and their socioeconomic fabric by focusing on implementing specific adaptive measures addressed to those key socio-ecosystems with a major role in the provision of the aforementioned ecosystem services. As a result of this, an increase in the resilience of the concerned socio-ecosystems is expected, in such a way that their future provision of services will also be improved, if compared to the scenario of no intervention.
As other main project goal, the foreseen products, tools and gained experience on the protection of ecosystem services affected by CC will be maximized on a demonstration level across Europe and the Mediterranean basin. The objective is to implement and test actions and tools in different Mediterranean representative ecosystems especially sensitive to CC (wetlands, mountain areas and subdesertic areas) in order to provide data, experience and tools to other decision makers, land managers and stakeholders to face these threats. As additional objectives, some actions are designed to test and disseminate innovative tools and approaches with a high potential to contribute to the project goals, while other actions are addressed for awareness raising of specific social groups and the general public on CC and in particular on CC adaptation.
Expected start date: 16/07/2015
Expected end date: 15/07/2020.