Globalviti will analyse the effects of climate change on vineyards to improve wine production making use of new technologies, biotechnological strategies and farm management.
Bodegas Torres, Ramón Bilbao, Juvé & Camps, Martín Códax, Grupo Hispatec, Pellenc Ibérica, Viveros Villanueva Vides and 13 research groups.
Description of the project:
The national Centre for Technological Industrial Development (CDTI) of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness supports the Globalviti project in the framework of the strategic programe National Business Research Consortiums (CIEN). The objective of the project is to position the Spanish wine sector as world leader in applying innovative techniques related to wood diseases, integral management of vineyards and wine production processes in a climate change context. It includes using IoT and Big Data technologies, promoting digital transformation within the sector.
Dr. Robert Savé M.
Coordinator Viticulture and Enology
Plant Science Area
Torre Marimon, km 12.1; E-08140-Caldes de Montbui (Barcelona)
telf.- +34 902789449, ext.- 1326; cell.-+ 34 675781897