Life AgriAdapt Estonian project team won the “Award for the University Collaborative Project 2020” which is given annualy in Estonian University of Life Sciences to the project team doing very good collaboration work within different departments of...
Our LIFE AgriAdapt project is one of six projects that will be presented at the EU webinar “Climate Neutral Food and Wood: Presentation of good examples from agriculture, forestry, the food sector and the bio-economy” on 6th October 2020 between 9.30 and...
The AgriAdapt Webtool for Adaptation (AWA) has been included in the German Climate Preparedness Portal as a tool for adaptation: link to the AWA on the portal. The German Climate Preparedness Portal of the German government is a portal with information, data and...
On April 23rd 2020, Nicolas Métayer and Sylvain Doublet, agronomists at Solagro, presented the final results of the LIFE AgriAdapt project and the method to characterize the climatic vulnerability of farms in Europe during a final webinar. About 800 people...
On 29th of April 2020, two days before the end of the almost four-year EU LIFE project LIFE AgriAdapt, the Lake Constance Foundation organised a webinar to present the web tool developed in the project to a broad audience: “The AWA web tool – a simple,...
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